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Women, particularly housewives do not require much cash to run a family. If I?m not wrong, this is a common belief among many, particularly in rural areas just because of a silly reason that they stay at home. But the real fact is that a housewife also requires sufficient money to take care of the whole family when she becomes the sole family care-taker. Hence, it is necessary for her to understand thoroughly about finance management methods so that she can handle financial issues brilliantly.
But before we get in to the subject let us understand that finance management for women is totally different from that of men?s. Women handle finance totally in a different way as their priorities differ. Hence, this article has been designed exclusively for women?s community who wish to help themselves out of financial blues. However, it may be noted that this article might be useful for men?s community too.
Now, read through the following to discover more about Personal Finance Management techniques.
Save Money
Educate Yourself
Kind attention All Women! It is important for you to educate yourself about financial issues such as investment policies, pension schemes and retirement benefits. So, you can handle situations easily. Make the best use of online materials and also books in order to explore more on the subject.
Control Finances
Take control of your family?s finances when you start a family life. This will help you to manage finances even when you are forced to face situations like divorce or family break-ups.
Investment Plan
Try and invest more money based on your monthly earnings as it would help you manage the situation efficiently at the time of retirement. It is good to make equity investments to get higher returns than making small investments.
Retirement Benefits
Discuss with your employer about various retirement benefit plans and participate in the plans offered by them.
Retirement Account
Maintain your retirement account properly. Although it is important for you to save for retirement at an early age, many tend to start saving at a later stage only. Women must start saving for their retirement period at an early stage as they might require discontinuing their job in between due to several reasons.
Pay off Debt
Make ways to pay off your debt as early as possible so that you can invest more in other plans. To be clear of debts, make sure that you do not become a debtor at any cost. Such must be your finance management.
Budget Plan
Create a budget plan for yourself and see to that you follow it properly.
Financial Status
Make sure that you set your own financial status before and after marriage. As life is uncertain we are to face challenges and risks at anytime. However, it is also a known fact that women are more stable and capable during financial crisis.
Financial Products
Women can take up financial products that are specially created for them. These products benefit women, a lot than men. And the tax bar set for women is much lower compared to that of men.
Part Time Jobs
Women can plan for several ways of earning continuous income even when she is not working. She can think of doing some part time jobs or online jobs that are available in plenty these days.
Work Basis
Take up jobs that reward you based on your capabilities and work experience
Family Involvement
It is always better to make decisions with your family so as to determine monthly expenditure and savings. Also, involve yourself with your spouse in order to decide upon kid?s expenses including school and other activities.
Be Independent
Women must not depend wholly on someone for financial security. They must educate themselves about various financial management techniques. Also, it is not good to depend upon your partner?s decision regarding financial matters.
Set Goals
Setting goals helps one to overcome financial crisis easily.
Get a Degree
Get a degree from a college so that you will not find it difficult in getting a job with a decent salary.
Emergency Fund
Always plan for an emergency fund that will help you tackle tough financial constraints. Plan before any crisis overtakes you. This will be useful whenever you lose your job unexpectedly or when you are to face bad times.
It is advisable not to take the debt of your spouse before you get married. It is always better to wait until all yours and your spouse?s debts have been cleared. This will lead to a happy married life.
Build Your Home
It is not good to wait for somebody to build a home for you. Arrange for self finance and build a home for you.
Discuss Openly
If you are not sure about making any investments then it is better to seek the advice of any financial planner or agent. Discuss about your plans to them to get a clear idea about investment plans.
Invest Anytime
Never think that it is too late to start off with any investment plans when it is not at all. Investments can be made whenever you feel financially comfortable and stable.
Monitor Your Growth
Monitor your credit report as well as your credit score in order to ascertain your progress. You will also be able to manage debts better than before. Working women must always have financial goals in order to have control of their expenses and add to their earnings and investment.
Money Management
Create an Expenditure List
Make a spending plan in order to have control on your expenses rather than spending right from your pocket. Make a calendar plan too for all the routine monthly payments that are to be made.
Gift Cards
Make use of a gift card that you get from super markets, stores and try to spend only that much you plan for. Also, make use of club cards that are given by most of the shops and save money.
Open Salary Account
Demand wisely for direct deposit of your monthly salary with your employer. This will help you to manage your account safely.
Overdraft Protection
Choose for overdraft protection so that you can keep an eye on your account whenever you tend to spend more.
Check Online Account
Always keep an eye on your online account so as to be informed of your account balance.
Auto Payment Facility
Sign-up for auto payment of loans, mortgages, insurance premiums etc., as the amount will get deducted from your account automatically. This way, you will not be required to pay for postal charges and other duties. But remember, you might be charged for this facility.
One Debit/Credit Card
It is practically hard to maintain multiple credit / debit cards. Hence, it is advisable to carry just one card with you and keep the remaining safely.
Pay Tax in Advance
Make it a habit to pay your taxes well in advance rather than searching for ways at the end.
Dine Simple Foods
Whenever you think of dining out, think of simple foods rather than expensive ones. Although you might not find any difference each time, you would be really surprised when you find huge savings in a long run. Another good thought would be to have meals at home rather than going out.
Earn More and Spend Less
This should be your anthem if you really look forward to become a millionaire.
Self Satisfaction
It is the quality of a woman to always think of others needs rather than themselves. However, make sure that you pamper yourself and prioritise your needs as well.
Learn From Mistakes
Never be upset with the mistakes you have done. Instead, learn from them and move on further. However, it is important for every individual to investigate before making any investments.
Maintain Self Respect
Try to increase your self respect and creativity with the money you have earned rather than using it in a wrong sense.
Money is Not The Limit
Remember money has great tendency to take control of you. Hence, make sure you do not let your inner self lose way to money
Women in general find it difficult to continue with their career due to several reasons like marriage, pregnancy, delivery, transfers, family situation and others. During such situations, she tends to lose a huge amount of profit particularly by the way of increment, bonus, incentives etc. Hence, she must find ways to invest to the maximum from the above given steps or find her own ways. After all, it?s OUR life. So, invest wisely and stay safe. Happy Investing!
Author Bio
Blogger Bini writes on latest market trends, technology, electronic gadgets, shopping, free vouchers, free samples, public services, public sector benefits, local authority benefits, health services, news and politics.
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In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. -Douglas Adams
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Sounds great :P Can I please reserve a girl?
Member for 1 years
of course, One girl reserved :D
Member for 1 years
Remember to PM me your characters history, that way I can figure out how to work it into the plot.
Member for 1 years
This sounds awesome could I reserve a male?
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definitely going to join, so sign me up for a male part!
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I'll be working on a male. Reserve a spot for me.
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I have been promised an obligatory spot in this role play. It is my duty to fulfill this promise to Wild1 so please keep one male role open.
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APEX turns its eye to dark clouds in TaurusPublic release date: 15-Feb-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Douglas Pierce-Price 49-893-200-6759 ESO
Star formation in 'dark markings of the sky'
The Taurus Molecular Cloud, in the constellation of Taurus (The Bull), lies about 450 light-years from Earth. This image shows two parts of a long, filamentary structure in this cloud, which are known as Barnard 211 and Barnard 213. Their names come from Edward Emerson Barnard's photographic atlas of the "dark markings of the sky", compiled in the early 20th century. In visible light, these regions appear as dark lanes, lacking in stars. Barnard correctly argued that this appearance was due to "obscuring matter in space".
We know today that these dark markings are actually clouds of interstellar gas and dust grains. The dust grains tiny particles similar to very fine soot and sand absorb visible light, blocking our view of the rich star field behind the clouds. The Taurus Molecular Cloud is particularly dark at visible wavelengths, as it lacks the massive stars that illuminate the nebulae in other star-formation regions such as Orion (see for example eso1103 - The dust grains themselves also emit a faint heat glow but, as they are extremely cold at around -260 degrees Celsius, their light can only be seen at wavelengths much longer than visible light, around one millimetre (see image eso1209 - and the mouseover comparison eso1209ea - to see how the millimetre-range view appears bright where the visible-light view appears dark and obscured).
These clouds of gas and dust are not merely an obstacle for astronomers wishing to observe the stars behind them. In fact, they are themselves the birthplaces of new stars. When the clouds collapse under their own gravity, they fragment into clumps. Within these clumps, dense cores may form, in which the hydrogen gas becomes dense and hot enough to start fusion reactions: a new star is born. The birth of the star is therefore surrounded by a cocoon of dense dust, blocking observations at visible wavelengths. This is why observations at longer wavelengths, such as the millimetre range, are essential for understanding the early stages of star formation.
The upper-right part of the filament shown here is Barnard 211, while the lower-left part is Barnard 213. The millimetre-range observations from the LABOCA camera on APEX, which reveal the heat glow of the cosmic dust grains, are shown here in orange tones, and are superimposed on a visible light image of the region, which shows the rich background of stars. The bright star above the filament is ? Tauri, while the one partially visible at the left-hand edge of the image is HD 27482. Both stars are closer to us than the filament, and are not associated with it.
Observations show that Barnard 213 has already fragmented and formed dense cores as illustrated by the bright knots of glowing dust and star formation has already happened. However, Barnard 211 is in an earlier stage of its evolution; the collapse and fragmentation is still taking place, and will lead to star formation in the future. This region is therefore an excellent place for astronomers to study how Barnard's "dark markings of the sky" play a crucial part in the lifecycle of stars.
The observations were made by Alvaro Hacar (Observatorio Astronomico Nacional-IGN, Madrid, Spain) and collaborators. The LABOCA camera operates on the 12-metre APEX telescope, on the plateau of Chajnantor in the Chilean Andes, at an altitude of 5000 metres. APEX is a pathfinder for the next generation submillimetre telescope, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), which is being built and operated on the same plateau.
More information
APEX is a collaboration between the Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie (MPIfR), the Onsala Space Observatory (OSO), and ESO, with operations of the telescope entrusted to ESO.
ALMA, an international astronomy facility, is a partnership of Europe, North America and East Asia in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. ALMA construction and operations are led on behalf of Europe by ESO, on behalf of North America by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), and on behalf of East Asia by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) provides the unified leadership and management of the construction, commissioning and operation of ALMA.
The year 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). ESO is the foremost intergovernmental astronomy organisation in Europe and the world's most productive astronomical observatory. It is supported by 15 countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. ESO carries out an ambitious programme focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful ground-based observing facilities enabling astronomers to make important scientific discoveries. ESO also plays a leading role in promoting and organising cooperation in astronomical research. ESO operates three unique world-class observing sites in Chile: La Silla, Paranal and Chajnantor. At Paranal, ESO operates the Very Large Telescope, the world's most advanced visible-light astronomical observatory and two survey telescopes. VISTA works in the infrared and is the world's largest survey telescope and the VLT Survey Telescope is the largest telescope designed to exclusively survey the skies in visible light. ESO is the European partner of a revolutionary astronomical telescope ALMA, the largest astronomical project in existence. ESO is currently planning a 40-metre-class European Extremely Large optical/near-infrared Telescope, the E-ELT, which will become "the world's biggest eye on the sky".
Information about APEX:
Images related to APEX:
Alvaro Hacar Gonzlez
Observatorio Astronmico Nacional (OAN-IGN)
Madrid, Spain
Tel: 34-915270107 ext 326
Mario Tafalla
Observatorio Astronmico Nacional (OAN-IGN)
Madrid, Spain
Tel: 34-915270107 ext 337
Douglas Pierce-Price
ESO ALMA/APEX Public Information Officer
Garching, Germany
Tel: 49-89-3200-6759
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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
APEX turns its eye to dark clouds in TaurusPublic release date: 15-Feb-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Douglas Pierce-Price 49-893-200-6759 ESO
Star formation in 'dark markings of the sky'
The Taurus Molecular Cloud, in the constellation of Taurus (The Bull), lies about 450 light-years from Earth. This image shows two parts of a long, filamentary structure in this cloud, which are known as Barnard 211 and Barnard 213. Their names come from Edward Emerson Barnard's photographic atlas of the "dark markings of the sky", compiled in the early 20th century. In visible light, these regions appear as dark lanes, lacking in stars. Barnard correctly argued that this appearance was due to "obscuring matter in space".
We know today that these dark markings are actually clouds of interstellar gas and dust grains. The dust grains tiny particles similar to very fine soot and sand absorb visible light, blocking our view of the rich star field behind the clouds. The Taurus Molecular Cloud is particularly dark at visible wavelengths, as it lacks the massive stars that illuminate the nebulae in other star-formation regions such as Orion (see for example eso1103 - The dust grains themselves also emit a faint heat glow but, as they are extremely cold at around -260 degrees Celsius, their light can only be seen at wavelengths much longer than visible light, around one millimetre (see image eso1209 - and the mouseover comparison eso1209ea - to see how the millimetre-range view appears bright where the visible-light view appears dark and obscured).
These clouds of gas and dust are not merely an obstacle for astronomers wishing to observe the stars behind them. In fact, they are themselves the birthplaces of new stars. When the clouds collapse under their own gravity, they fragment into clumps. Within these clumps, dense cores may form, in which the hydrogen gas becomes dense and hot enough to start fusion reactions: a new star is born. The birth of the star is therefore surrounded by a cocoon of dense dust, blocking observations at visible wavelengths. This is why observations at longer wavelengths, such as the millimetre range, are essential for understanding the early stages of star formation.
The upper-right part of the filament shown here is Barnard 211, while the lower-left part is Barnard 213. The millimetre-range observations from the LABOCA camera on APEX, which reveal the heat glow of the cosmic dust grains, are shown here in orange tones, and are superimposed on a visible light image of the region, which shows the rich background of stars. The bright star above the filament is ? Tauri, while the one partially visible at the left-hand edge of the image is HD 27482. Both stars are closer to us than the filament, and are not associated with it.
Observations show that Barnard 213 has already fragmented and formed dense cores as illustrated by the bright knots of glowing dust and star formation has already happened. However, Barnard 211 is in an earlier stage of its evolution; the collapse and fragmentation is still taking place, and will lead to star formation in the future. This region is therefore an excellent place for astronomers to study how Barnard's "dark markings of the sky" play a crucial part in the lifecycle of stars.
The observations were made by Alvaro Hacar (Observatorio Astronomico Nacional-IGN, Madrid, Spain) and collaborators. The LABOCA camera operates on the 12-metre APEX telescope, on the plateau of Chajnantor in the Chilean Andes, at an altitude of 5000 metres. APEX is a pathfinder for the next generation submillimetre telescope, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), which is being built and operated on the same plateau.
More information
APEX is a collaboration between the Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie (MPIfR), the Onsala Space Observatory (OSO), and ESO, with operations of the telescope entrusted to ESO.
ALMA, an international astronomy facility, is a partnership of Europe, North America and East Asia in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. ALMA construction and operations are led on behalf of Europe by ESO, on behalf of North America by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), and on behalf of East Asia by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ). The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) provides the unified leadership and management of the construction, commissioning and operation of ALMA.
The year 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). ESO is the foremost intergovernmental astronomy organisation in Europe and the world's most productive astronomical observatory. It is supported by 15 countries: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. ESO carries out an ambitious programme focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful ground-based observing facilities enabling astronomers to make important scientific discoveries. ESO also plays a leading role in promoting and organising cooperation in astronomical research. ESO operates three unique world-class observing sites in Chile: La Silla, Paranal and Chajnantor. At Paranal, ESO operates the Very Large Telescope, the world's most advanced visible-light astronomical observatory and two survey telescopes. VISTA works in the infrared and is the world's largest survey telescope and the VLT Survey Telescope is the largest telescope designed to exclusively survey the skies in visible light. ESO is the European partner of a revolutionary astronomical telescope ALMA, the largest astronomical project in existence. ESO is currently planning a 40-metre-class European Extremely Large optical/near-infrared Telescope, the E-ELT, which will become "the world's biggest eye on the sky".
Information about APEX:
Images related to APEX:
Alvaro Hacar Gonzlez
Observatorio Astronmico Nacional (OAN-IGN)
Madrid, Spain
Tel: 34-915270107 ext 326
Mario Tafalla
Observatorio Astronmico Nacional (OAN-IGN)
Madrid, Spain
Tel: 34-915270107 ext 337
Douglas Pierce-Price
ESO ALMA/APEX Public Information Officer
Garching, Germany
Tel: 49-89-3200-6759
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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use
The topics of health and fitness are very closely followed by an amazing number of people on a regular basis. The ability to live a healthy lifestyle and make smart choices pertaining to the body continues to be a major focus among many while body building and taking fitness to the next level is also commonly looked for today. People considering this process should learn the most effective steps of building muscle in order to achieve their goals.
The entire process that surrounds being able to build upon an existing base of muscle mass is known to be quite challenging for anyone to face. All the muscles that are located throughout the body are known to react to specific pressures and resistance points that allow them to shape and grow as needed. There are many fitness enthusiasts that are working on the building goals with very little to minor successes in the process.
Each person is different and is comprised of a different body type which makes the process of building very particular. There are still fortunately a large number of general steps and procedures that can be implemented that help people achieve their goals. People that know these steps are typically able to make sure the build the muscle mass they are ultimately seeking.
People should initially consider the process of joining a gym as part of their efforts. There are plenty of consumers that simply purchase a home gym to help provide the results they are after with little to no luck. Those that join a gym are usually equipped with the necessary equipment and environment needed for successful growth.
The foods that are eaten are also an integral part of any muscle growth efforts that are undergone. Nutrition has long been known to be a direct result of how the body responds to physical activity which should be kept as low in fat and sugar as possible. Many builders use protein powder as a supplement to help stimulate their growth process.
Each muscle group that is worked on should be lifted to failure. The fibers that are found in each group of muscles are usually only effectively stimulated when each group is made to withstand the most amount of effort and stress as is possible. Lifting each group until they fail ensures all fibers are used up.
Building muscle should always include getting enough rest. Allowing the body to recuperate from physical activity and lifting helps regenerate energy and endurance. It also helps the body regenerate fibers needed for the muscle creation process.
Rice protein powder is going to help you gain that muscle. Another thing that will help you gain muscle would be gluten free protein powder and you can purchase that at a cheap price.
Whilst screenplay writing software cannot tell you exactly how to write a script, it can help both novice and professional screenwriters in terms of character development, structure and plot development. Screenplay writing software has been around for quite a while now but a good application should allow you to use step outlining techniques in order to systematically build all the layers of a successful screenplay including script characters and plot development scene by scene. It should also allow you to customise and plan your plot structure, color code acts, rearrange scenes ,track characters and professionally format your screenplay.
Some modern applications even allow you to compare your developing script to your favourite modern or classic film scripts.? It is also wise to look for n application with simple and accessible tab panel interface which allows you to instantly choose from a selection of views as you work your way through your project.
At each step of the way, this type of interface allows you to constantly check back to your synopsis and alter your story accordingly. Alternatively, if you fins that your story is beginning to follow an unexpected yet serendipitous path, you ca n also alter your original synopsis.
A color coded system allows you to easily structure your story according to natural turning points as well as scenes or acts. You can therefore keep tabs on the overall flow and progression of your story structure at each step of the process. Feel factors such as conflict, passion and tension can also be analysed with special features, and this can allow you to gauge audience reaction and engagement with your script. Character profiles can also be referred to at any stage, which can remind the writer of character?s biographies as well as overall story arcs. It undoubtedly takes talent and determination as well as a degree of intuition to know how to write a script, especially one which captures an audience, but screenwriting software can be an extremely effective and convenient tool for a writer at any stage of professional development.
AUSTIN, Texas ? A federal appeals court has denied a request to reconsider a lawsuit challenging a Texas law that requires doctors to perform a sonogram before an abortion.
The Center for Reproductive Rights filed the suit on behalf of doctors saying the state Legislature had passed a law that wrongly dictates how a doctor deals with a patient. The rule requires a doctor to conduct a sonogram, describe the features of the fetus and play aloud the fetal heartbeat whether the woman wants it or not. The doctor must also conduct the sonogram 24 hours before performing the abortion.
The chief justice of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals had earlier ruled that there was nothing wrong with the law. The doctors had asked the entire court to reconsider that ruling.
Responsibility to cover contraceptives will shift from the religious employer to the insurance company.
By Steve Reinberg and E.J. Mundell HealthDay Reporters
FRIDAY, Feb. 10 (HealthDay News) ? Facing a firestorm of criticism from Catholic leaders, the Obama administration on Friday said it will adjust its health care guideline mandating that religious employers provide women with access to birth control.
In a shift from the current policy, the White House is now saying that these employers will not have to extend free access to birth control, but that insurance companies will be made directly responsible for doing so.
Women who request birth control will still be able to get it free of co-pays or premiums, but universities, hospitals and other institutions with religious affiliations can refuse to cover it, leaving the woman?s insurance company with the responsibility of coverage.
In a press briefing Friday morning, an unnamed senior administration official called the move ?an accommodation? to religious groups objecting to the policy, which still allows women access to birth control.
?We still have the exemption for employees at churches,? the official said. ?But all women will have access to free preventive care, including contraception, no matter where they work. That?s the core principle that?s at stake here.?
The change appears to be the Administration?s attempt to satisfy both sides on the issue ? religious leaders who object to providing contraception to employees, and those who wish to see that all women retain free access to birth control.
During a lunchtime press briefing, President Barack Obama explained the new position further.
?No woman?s health should depend on who she is or where she works or how much money she makes,? CNN reported Obama as saying. But ?the principle of religious liberty? is also at stake. ?As a citizen and as a Christian, I cherish this right.?
?Under the rule, women will still have access to free preventive care that includes contraceptive service no matter where they work,? Obama said, according to USA Today. ?That core principle remains. But if a woman?s employer is a charity or a hospital that has a religious objection to providing contraceptive services as part of their health plan. The insurance company ? not the hospital, not the charity ? will be required to reach out and offer the woman contraceptive care free of charge without co-pays, without hassle.?
The White House first found itself embroiled in a political fight with Catholic Church officials after a Jan. 20 announcement that all religious-affiliated employers, with the exception of churches and other houses of worship, would have to cover free birth control as part of routine preventive care for women. These institutions were given until August 2013 to comply with the rule.
The announcement last month quickly met with a heated response from Catholic leaders nationwide, and Republican leaders in Congress promised quick legislation in Congress to stop the move. The decision also became a flashpoint for the presidential election race, as Obama?s opponents labeled him as attacking religion. On the other side, groups representing women and health advocates pressured Obama to stand firm.
Under the revised plan, religious employers need not offer contraception or refer women to places that might provide it. In these cases, however, the woman?s insurance company must fill in the gap and cover contraception free of charge.
The rule is in keeping with the Obama administration?s health care reform law, which requires most insurance plans to cover women?s preventive health services with no co-pay, starting Aug. 1, 2012.
More information
For more on birth control, head to the Alan Guttmacher Institute.??
(SOURCES: Feb. 10, 2012, news briefing, White House; Associated Press; CNN; USA Today)
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ATLANTA ? A new study shows more and more U.S. adults are being told by their doctor to get off their duffs and exercise.
A government survey found nearly 33 percent of adults who saw a doctor in the previous year said they were told to exercise. That was up from about 23 percent in 2000.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report found more women got that advice than men. Also, diabetics were more likely to get the advice than those with other conditions.
The report, released Thursday, was based on a survey of nearly 22,000 adults in 2010.
More than one third of U.S. adults are obese, a statistic that's held steady for nearly a decade.
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Ayurvedic Food: Holistic, Natural And Wholesome Diet. New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use. People are advised to consume a nutritious diet on a daily basis for better health. At times the foods ...
BEIJING ? China's inflation rebounded in January as food prices soared, renewing pressure on Beijing to control living costs as it tries to boost slowing growth amid warnings of a looming global downturn.
Consumer prices in the world's second-largest economy rose by an unexpectedly strong 4.5 percent over a year earlier, up from December's 4.1 percent, data showed Thursday. Food prices jumped 10.5 percent, accelerating from the previous month's 9.1 percent rate.
"It makes us more concerned that the risk of inflation is not going away," said Nomura economist Zhiwei Zhang. Among Chinese planners "it will reinforce concerns about inflation that already were there."
The price spike could complicate the communist government's efforts to revive growth that slowed to a 2 1/2-year low of 8.9 percent in the final quarter of 2011. Chinese leaders are gradually easing controls to boost growth and job creation but are moving cautiously for fear of igniting a new price spiral.
"In the short term, it also lowers the possibility of policy loosening," Zhang said.
The upturn in inflation broke a monthslong decline from July's 37-month high of 6.5 percent. Analysts said food prices would face upward pressure due to the traditional Lunar New Year, when Chinese families stock up for banquets, but even with that factored in, they expected inflation to fall to about 4 percent.
Inflation is politically dangerous for the ruling Communist Party because it erodes economic gains that underpin the party's monopoly on power. Last year's price spike stoked frustration among a public that is angry about pervasive corruption, a yawning gap between rich and poor, pollution and product safety scandals.
"I can feel that food and clothes are getting more and more expensive, like the milk I buy. It was almost 30 percent higher than before," said Zheng An, 27, who works for a solar power company in Shanghai.
"I actually spend less money than before as I am now not brave enough to go out shopping due to the higher prices," he said.
The price jump comes as China and other developing countries face mounting warnings they could be hurt by a possible global slowdown.
The International Monetary Fund said this week that China's projected growth could be cut by nearly half this year to 4 percent if Europe, its biggest trading partner, suffers a sharp downturn due to its debt problems.
The World Bank warned earlier that a possible global slump might hit developing economies harder than the 2008 crisis did.
The IMF said Beijing should be ready to launch a new economic stimulus in the event to offset the impact of a European downturn.
China rebounded quickly from the 2008 global crisis with a flood of stimulus spending and bank lending. But that money coursing through the economy also ignited a speculative boom that pushed up stock and housing prices.
January's food price rise was driven by a 25 percent gain in the cost of the pork, China's staple meat. In December, pork prices rose 21.3 percent.
Last month, the ruling party promised pro-growth policies for entrepreneurs after the plunge in global demand and lending curbs caused a wave of bankruptcies, raising the threat of job losses and unrest. But regulators have avoided interest rate cuts and say lending controls imposed to cool an overheated housing market will stay in place.
On Wednesday, the Cabinet promised to try to shift more of China's income to the poor by increasing the required minimum wage for the lowest-paid workers by at least 13 percent each year through 2015.
AP researcher Fu Ting in Shanghai contributed.
Chinese National Bureau of Statistics (in Chinese):
Posted by Ted Cacciola on Feb 6, 2012 in Publications | 0 comments
On e-commerce organizational strategy in what is strategic management in web 2.0 for business on how a new or existing company intends to do business electronically via an organizational strategy. Say when you ask what is strategic management, you implement a web 2.0 for business in that you are selling high quality umbrellas at boutique stores, you are not doing low end customer service organizational strategy you are doing high touch organizational strategy in your web 2.0 for business. An organizational strategy tells you what you are doing and not doing when asking What is Strategic Management in Web 2.0 for Business.
A Publication by Ted Cacciola Titled: A look at what is strategic management in an organizational strategy in the era of web 2.0 for business . Looking at organizational strategy . Follow him on Twitter@cacciolat
When asking what is strategic management in web 2.0 for business; SISP is a process to develop an organizational strategy and plans for aligning information systems of web 2.0 for business (including ecommerce applications when asking what is strategic management ) with the organizations business strategies or organizational strategy.
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When asking what is strategic management in web 2.0 for business A competitor analysis grid is an organizational strategy of a strategic planning tool that highlights points of differentiation between competitors and the target firm in web 2.0 for business.
In web 2.0 for business looking at the question what is strategic management in organizational strategy Scenario Planning is a strategic planning methodology that generates plausible alternative futures to help decision makers identify actions that can be taken today to ensure success in the future of web 2.0 for business.
Balanced Scorecard is a what is strategic management tool that assesses organizational progress toward an organizational strategy?s strategic goals by measuring performance in a number of different areas when looking at an organizational strategy and asking what is strategic management in web 2.0 for business.
In an organizational strategy in web 2.0 for business E commerce risk is the likelihood that a negative outcome will occur in the course of developing and operating an organizational strategy of electronic commerce strategy when asking what is strategic management. If you know the risk of invading someones privacy in web 2.0 for business with a picture of their house, show it to them first and ask to reduce the risk of your organizational strategy.
Again, when asking what is strategic management in web 2.0 for business an e-Commerce organizational strategy formulation is the pricing of products and services for online sales changes which facilitate a price comparison which is easier, buyers sometimes set the price, online and offline goods are priced differently, and differentiated pricing can be a pricing organizational strategy.
There is also the organizational strategy of versioning. When asking what is strategic management in web 2.0 for business versioning is selling the same good, but with different selection and delivery characteristics. What if you are Polo and make a version of you shirts specifically through your low end stores, this is an example of the organizational strategy of versioning. This focuses different products in different channels when asking what is strategic management in web 2.0 for business.
Then you implement your organizational strategy, the first step is to find a champion in either web 2.0 for business or organizational strategy business in general. You would care about this because, and this is important because if you find a champion your likelihood of success is much greater when looking at what is strategic management.
When asking what is strategic management in web 2.0 for business An example of this type of organizational strategy was Steve Jobs ?opening the Apple Store. Jobs was a project champion in starting with a pilot project of a single Apple Store and diverging from web 2.0 for business when his directors said that no one makes money in retail, which was true at the time but Jobs became an organizational strategy champion when the Apple Store was a success.
When looking at e-commerce elements or an organizational strategy when asking what is strategic management in web 2.0 for business your choices are to build, buy, or rent e-commerce elements. Then there is the business process of?re-engineering, which is a methodology for conducting a redesign of an enterprises process.
Onward to the objectives of assessment when asking5 the question of what is strategic management in web 2.0 for business, you ask the question of how often are you being touched by the outside in your organizational strategy. You measure the results and then use a metric specific measurable standard to analyze the results.
Then, when asking what is strategic management in web 2.0 for business as many of you know from reading previous articles, there are web analytics which are important to an organizational strategy in web 2.0 for business, which is defined as the analysis of click stream data to understand your visitor or consumer base.
When looking at an organizational strategy and asking what is strategic management in web 2.0 for business You must remember that bigger companies have to worry about global e-commerce and they think about breaking down the barriers to global e-commerce. The keys include to be strategic and localize your organizational strategy in web 2.0 for business.
In conclusion, when asking what is strategic management in web 2.0 for business e-commerce organizational strategy?s widen your businesses size and scope. E-commerce makes you look bigger and can make you grow bigger and faster.
A Publication by Ted Cacciola Titled: A look at what is strategic management in an organizational strategy in the era of web 2.0 for business . Looking at organizational strategy . Follow him on Twitter@cacciolat
It m?k?? ??? t? pay ???r debts ?n a single payment ?n ?n affordable way. And th?r? ?r? fewer restrictions forced ?n ??? b?t n?t l?k? bankruptcy. Y?? ??n keep ???r properties l?k? car, home, etc w?th ??? ?nd even permits ??? t? travel abroad.
Th? person w?th ?n unbearable amount ?f debt ??n apply f?r a debt agreement.Th? agreement ?? legally signed between yourself ?nd ???r creditors ?? th?t repayment ?? possible wh??h ??? ??n pay ???r high debt ?t ?n affordable rate ?t ease. Y?? need t? pay weekly ?r fortnightly amount wh??h ?t divides ?m?ng ???r creditors ?n order t? induce ???r debt.If ??? ??nn?t repay ???r full debt amount, Debt management ??n talk t? ???r creditors ?nd convince th?m t? reduce ???r debt amount.
Th? eligibilty f?r th? debt agreement ?? struggling t? forfeit th? repayments,having more th?n one creditor, having ?n ?ft?r tax income ?f less th?n 66,284.60 dollars, having unsecured debts ?nd net assets less th?n 88,379.20 dollars. It means th?t ??? ?h??ld h??? ???r debt amount less th?n 88,379.20 dollars ?nd n?t having ?n? property over th?? amount.
(3BL Media / theCSRfeed) February 6, 2012 - The International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are delighted to announce the Call for Nominations for the World Business and Development Awards (WBDA) 2012. Visit the Awards website here -
Now in their 10th year, these biannual awards demonstrate how companies can, through their core business activities, help achieve the Millennium Development Goals ? eight internationally agreed targets to reduce poverty and environmental degradation and improve education, health conditions and gender equality by 2015. All organisations, regardless of size or location, engaged in innovative business models that are delivering both commercial success and helping improve social, economic and environmental conditions are eligible. Apply online by 25 March 2012 by downloading the form at?
The 2012 Awards will be given to companies delivering Inclusive Business models: sustainable, commercially-successful business initiatives that expand access for low-income people to goods and services, or improve their livelihoods by engagement in value chains as direct employees, suppliers or distributors.
The awards ceremony will be held on 19 June 2012, when governments convene in Brazil at the Rio+20 Conference, closing the Business Action for Sustainable Development Business Day.? The WBDA will take place this year in partnership with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and the UN Global Compact.
IBLF encourages companies and other organisations of any size running commercially successful initiatives with direct development benefits to apply for the Awards. To nominate an initiative, please go to the Awards website:
Clare Melford, CEO of IBLF said: "When businesses apply the full force of their core business activities to development challenges and measure their success both by profit and social outcomes, there is no limit to what can be achieved." She continued:?We hope that the WBDA will again stimulate businesses of all sizes and in all regions to bring forward their best examples and so accelerate progress towards achieving the MDGs."
By bringing together examples of innovative, effective business practices, the World Business and Development Awards will also provide leading businesses and entrepreneurs with a valuable platform for networking and sharing experiences and promote best practices after Rio+20. This will encourage other businesses and governments to replicate and scale initiatives.?
An international judging panel made up of representatives of the organising partners as well as non-governmental organisations, universities, business entities, and international institutions will determine this year?s winners. A knowledge-exchange workshop focussed on inclusive business will take place prior to the Awards ceremony.
In 2010, the Awards received an unprecedented 172 nominations, representing a variety of business and commercial endeavours undertaken by business associations, non-governmental organisations and individual companies from more than 42 countries. Diverse in nature, the 10 winning initiatives ranged from low-income housing in Mexico and assisting farmers in Sierra Leone, to offering affordable maternal health services in India.
?Past award winners have shown how companies can help boost sustainable growth and development,? said UNDP Administrator Helen Clark, ?They can be a tremendous source of innovative and sustainable solutions which help transform people?s lives for the better."
"As progress towards the Millennium Development Goals comes under threat in the current economic climate, the Awards will highlight the critical role of the private sector in stimulating sustainable economic growth and development,? said ICC Secretary General Jean-Guy Carrier.
Something was lost when videos went from magnetic tape and plastic, to plastic discs, and now to digital streams. Browsing isles is no more, as the once-great video shops slowly board up their windows across the country.
Future generations may know little of the days when buying a movie meant you owned it even if the Internet went down. Back when getting a movie meant you had to scour aisles of boxes in search of one whose cover art called back a story that echoed your interests. After all, already the story is fading of how home video changed entertainment forever.
?Home video redefined our relationship to movies. It provided control over how we consume entertainment and increased the access of media for all
future generations,? said Josh Johnson, one of the filmmakers behind upcoming documentary ?Rewind This!? via email.
Johnson, and the rest of the team at IPF Productions, Carolee Mitchell, Christopher Palmer, hope to tell the story of how and why home video came about, and how it changed our culture.
Home video did a lot more than just keep the classics alive. It also opened a rental market that gave B movies and films that didn?t make the silver screen their own chance to shine.
?Essentially, the rental market expanded, because of voracious consumer demand, into non-blockbuster, off-Hollywood video content which would never have had a theatrical life otherwise,? said Palmer.
?The rental industry supported a movie hungry audience with a massive amount of video content the home consumer could indulge in their own private space,? he said.
But the story goes beyond this. There are many, many films being left behind with the shift from VHS to DVD and Blu-Ray. Between 30 and 40 percent of films released on VHS may never be seen again on any other format.
And while researching this story, the trio of filmmakers found something interesting: there is a resurgence taking place of people going back to VHS.
According to Johnson, the fact that such a massive number of films are ?trapped on VHS,? is one of the key reasons behind the format?s quiet return; but there are other reasons behind it.
Palmer said, ?Most of the true VHS fanatics are children of the 1980s. Whether they are motivated by a sense of nostalgia or prefer the format for the grainy aesthetic qualities of magnetic tape or some other reason entirely unknown, each tapehead is unique like a snowflake. It would be impossible to say what motivation modern VHS fans hold in common.?
The move to digital also came at a cost, and some of the key elements that made home videos what they once were are being lost?elements that some hope to keep.
We?re losing the social connection to our home video watching habits,? Palmer said.
?We are also subjected to smaller and smaller artwork, making the rental experience more dependent on suggestion algorithms than the more traditional eye-catching graphic design,? he said. Certainly the titillating illustrated cover art has become more rare and unfashionable, since artwork moved to smaller formats, digital remaining the least visual.?
The team is currently raising funds for the film through Kickstarter, and have already well surpassed their goal. Mitchell said the campaign ?has shown us that this subject matter is important to a wider variety of individuals than we initially suspected. It has been really reaffirming to hear so much positive feedback about the focus of the film and the approach we?re taking to it.?
?Home video changed the media landscape in a permanent, lasting way,? she said. ?We are committed to covering that story with the sort of depth and passion it deserves. We can?t wait to share the finished film with audiences.?
BEIRUT ? Russia and China vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution aimed at ending Syria's bloodshed, despite international outrage Saturday over a devastating bombardment of the city of Homs by President Bashar Assad's forces. Activists said more than 200 were killed in the bloodiest episode of the nearly 11-month uprising.
The veto and the show of support by Russia raised concerns that Assad's regime could now unleash even greater violence to crush the revolt against his rule, assured that his ally would prevent international action while continuing its weapons sales to Damascus.
It could also push an opposition despairing of other options further into an armed response, fueling a cycle of violence that threatens to tear apart the Arab nation. A movement that began with peaceful protests in March has already turned increasingly to the weapons of rebel soldiers to defend itself against Assad's crackdown.
The overnight onslaught on restive neighborhoods in Homs, Syria's third largest city, signaled a willingness by Assad's regime to bring a new level of violence to stamp out its opponents. Its timing, hours before a planned vote on the U.N. resolution, suggested Assad was confident of his ally Russia's protection on the world stage.
Activists' reports of the death toll from the assault could not be independently confirmed.
The Syrian government denied any bombardment took place at all, saying the reports were opposition propaganda aimed at pressuring the United Nations. It said bodies of the dead that appeared in activists' online videos were those of people who had been kidnapped previously by "terrorists."
Residents of Homs on Saturday described a night of relentless bombardment by mortars and rockets that lasted until dawn, sending them fleeing to lower floors and basements. When daylight came, dozens of buildings were left punctured by shells, facades collapsed, and some streets were stained with blood.
Thousands gathered for a funeral ceremony for some of the victims in the worst hit neighborhood, Khaldiyeh, where more than 60 coffins and bodies in white shrouds were lined up in a park, according to footage of the scene.
"A few more nights like this one and Homs will be erased from the map," Ammar, a resident, said, speaking on condition that only his first name be used for fear he and his family could be targeted. "We are being massacred."
The bloodshed added new urgency to negotiations over the resolution, as Western and Arab nations amended drafts to overcome Russia's opposition.
"The Assad regime must come to an end," President Barack Obama said in a statement Saturday before the vote, calling on the Security Council to "stand against the Assad regime's relentless brutality."
Early drafts demanded Assad carry out an Arab League peace plan by which he would hand over his powers to his vice president and allow formation of a unity government. That was amended to an expression of support of the plan without detailing its provisions. Also added were calls for "all armed groups" ? a reference to army defectors ? to stop violence.
But Russia demanded further changes, saying the draft did not make enough demands on the armed opposition in Syria and that calls for Assad to step aside could wreck chances for a negotiated solution to the country's upheaval.
In the end, the resolution's proponents pushed ahead with a vote, challenging Moscow to veto or back down.
After the double veto, U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice said her country was "disgusted" by the vote.
French Ambassador Gerard Araud said Russia and China had "made themselves complicit in a policy of repression carried out by the Assad regime."
Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin accused fellow council members of being inflexible, saying proposed Russian amendments had been ignored. Chinese Ambassador Li Baodong said his country joined Russia in voting against the resolution for the same reason.
Moroccan Ambassador Mohammed Loulichki, a key sponsor of the resolution, said he still hoped that consensus could be reached later on a Security Council measure to stop the violence.
Syria has been a key Russian ally since Soviet times, and Moscow remains a key arms supplier to Damascus. Russia has opposed any U.N. call that could be interpreted as advocating military intervention or regime change. Russia and China also used their veto powers in October to block an attempt to condemn the violence in Syria.
In a glimpse into his thinking, a pro-Syrian Lebanese politician who met with the Syrian leader last week told a Lebanese newspaper that Assad was "confident in the Russian position."
Wiam Wahhab said Assad told him that the time had come to decisively put an end to the uprising. "The price of chaos is worse than the price of decisiveness," he quoted Assad as saying.
George A. Lopez, a professor at the University of Notre Dame's Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, said Assad will likely see the veto as a green light to step up a crackdown that has killed well over 5,400 people since March, according to a U.N. estimate.
"I expect the regime will now unleash all the guns ? literally ? as the global condemnation has not occurred," he said.
With the resolution's defeat ? and the apparent death knell of the Arab League peace plan ? Burhan Ghalioun, head of the Syrian National Council, the main opposition umbrella, called for "friendly nations," particularly Arabs, to form a coalition to "support the Syrian people in all ways that the liberation of Syria requires."
That could include, "if necessary, support for the Free Syrian Army to protect the Syrian people," he told Al-Arabiya TV.
The Free Syrian Army is a force made up of army defectors who initially mainly acted as a defense for protesters. But in recent months, it has stepped up offensive attacks on regime forces and has grown increasingly bold in attempts to overtly control opposition-dominated cities, towns and neighborhoods.
It is believed to number in the thousands of fighters, though its true size is unknown, and it is heavily outgunned by regime forces.
Last week, regime troops carried out a major offensive that crushed FSA fighters who took control of suburbs of Damascus, bringing them to the doorstep of the capital.
There were signs that the bombardment in Homs was in response to moves by rebels.
Residents reported that the fighters set up new checkpoints in several areas, and two Homs activists said defectors attacked a military checkpoint in the Khaldiyeh district Thursday night, capturing 17 soldiers. The activists spoke on condition of anonymity to protect themselves from retaliation.
On Saturday, thousands protested across Syria in solidarity with the beleaguered city. "Homs, your blood will not go in vain," read a banner held by a protester a Damascus suburb.
At least 21 people were killed in violence outside Homs on Saturday, including 12 shot when security forces opened fire on a funeral procession for victims of a shooting in the Damascus suburb of Daraya a day earlier, according to the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
Tunisia decided to expel Syria's ambassador and end its recognition of Assad's regime in response to what it called a "bloody massacre" in Homs. Angry Syrians stormed their embassies in Berlin, London, Athens, Cairo and Kuwait, clashing with guards and police and ? in Cairo ? setting fire to part of the embassy. Syrian exiles and supporters in Libya occupied the already-vacated embassy in Tripoli, saying it was now theirs to use.
In Homs, residents of the overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim district of Khaldiyeh checked on relatives after a night spent in hiding and cleaned streets of shattered glass, debris and bloodstains.
Online video by activists during the onslaught showed chaotic scenes in a makeshift clinic in what appeared to be a Khaldiyeh mosque ? a room filled with wounded men with gashes and broken limbs being bandaged, as well as several dead bodies. In another video, fire ravaged a house that had been shelled.
The videos could not be independently verified.
Residents said most shelling came from a military installation west of Khaldiyeh and Alawite-dominated neighborhoods to the east. Syria's Alawite minority, which belongs to an offshoot of Shiite Islam, forms the backbone of Assad's regime and the military leadership.
Homs has been one of the biggest centers of anti-regime protests and has been hit by near daily regime raids. It has also seen bloody bouts of tit-for-tat killings between its Alawite and Sunni communities, a harbinger of what many Syrians fear could happen if the country descends into an outright civil war.
The Syrian Observatory said the death toll in Homs was at least 217, counting victims whose names it had collected. About 140 of the deaths were in Khaldiyeh, it said. The Syrian National Council put the toll at more than 220.
Mohammad, a Khaldiyeh resident who like most in Homs declined to be further identified, said the shelling started shortly before midnight and lasted until early Saturday.
"We were sitting at home and the mortars just started slamming into buildings around us," he said by telephone. "It's a catastrophe, no other way to describe it."
Snow reported from the United Nations. Associated Press writers Aya Batrawy in Cairo and Bouazza ben Bouazza in Tunis contributed to this report.